BJJ - A Wrong Perspective: Why Worrying About How “Good” You Are Is Not Helping Your Jiu Jitsu

Jan 25, 2025

It’s true

The more you go to class, the better you will be. However, it’s not always easy to see the improvements we are making in Jiu Jitsu. And in the process, we can easily get caught up in the trap of worrying about how “good” we are. Too many Jiu Jitsu practitioners are hurting their progress with this mindset. Here are some key observations to help you make sure you stay clear of this.

It Gives You a False Perspective

Worrying about how good you are distorts reality. If you are regularly attending class, then you are getting better. So why don’t you feel like it? Because it’s hard to see at times. Remember, you are likely training with the same people and under the same coach or coaches. This means you are all learning the same techniques (sweeps, submissions, defenses, guard passes, etc.), and, thus, will have a more challenging time successfully doing these against one another.

A few years ago, our gym had a college student, Luke, who had been training for three months and felt no sign of improvement. He was getting submitted often in class and started to feel discouraged. Then, Christmas break came, and he soon found himself wrestling around with some old high school friends. Do you know what happened? He dominated those guys. And he did so effortlessly. He returned after the break so encouraged, saying, “I couldn’t believe how easily I handled those guys!” It made all of us at the gym smile. And don’t miss the lesson. Until that encounter with his friends, Luke didn’t see or feel he was improving. Yet, in reality, he was getting better.

And you are getting better, too, but you may not see it right now. Don’t get discouraged. Trust the process and know that you will see it in time. And maybe you’ll also run into some old friends who can help you see it!

It Limits Your Growth 

When you are consumed with how good you are, you fear tapping or getting put in dominant positions. Here’s the problem: One of the key ways we improve in Jiu Jitsu is to embrace being put into bad positions. Learning to defend ourselves and be calm in the midst of absolute chaos is crucial for our learning. Refusing to go to these places will stunt your learning and limit your growth.

Another trap here is that it causes you to rely only on what you have become naturally good at doing. It’s great to identify strengths, but we also all have weaknesses. And the best way to grow in weaknesses is, to be honest about them and force yourself into those spots. This is the key to turning a weakness into a strength. But many refuse to do this for fear of getting caught, which they most certainly will. This is why we call it a learning process. Success doesn’t come without failure.

Embrace the process and do not fear tapping or being in bad positions. Remain calm, and know that in those places, the opportunity for you to learn is waiting!

It Takes The Fun Out Of It 

Everyone who has trained Jiu Jitsu for a significant time has had frustration and discouragement. That is certainly part of it, but if you are miserable training, there is a problem. It’s been wisely said, “There’s a difference between having a bad day and a bad year.”

Jiu Jitsu is pure joy when our mindset is right. Sadly, those taps tend to make you feel pretty bad about yourself when consumed with how good you are. But with the proper perspective, you can still enjoy rolling regardless of what happens because you know it’s all part of the process.

In Conclusion

Whether I’m getting choked or the one doing the choking, both are beneficial. I can appreciate both and learn from both. After all, that’s the goal, right? Let’s not be on this journey without some fun. It’s too good of an art to miss that side of it.

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